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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
It has been a while since i have done a post but i have been very buisy with my family and the health situation had changed some. But now we hope that we are back on track so much has happened in the last few days here that it had taken me away from what i was doing my wife ended up in hospital not the best but she is at home recovering. So now im back to what i do best and that is to take care of my family and hope that i can do better.
Friday, November 19, 2010
MyMailboxIncome Members Area
MyMailboxIncome Members Area: ""
this is a great site that allows you to build up online income fast and its very easy too
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
theres no title for this 1 coz ive been in a bad bother latley my home is in dissaray finances going down the river finding it hard to find the right places to make money online there is so many scams out there which makes it even harder for the beginner or for those that are trying to be honest but what do you do when you get rubbish throw in the face all the time makes it hard
Friday, October 22, 2010
part 6.1
Hello again it has been a couple of days since i have posted up on here i have been kinda buisy here. As i have said in earlier post that i am on a quest of finding that tool that can open the doors on internet marketing and being able to generate income online freely. As i havn't finished yet and it is still in the pipeworks and also driving me nut only because im still a beginner at this all but for what its worth its a sure thing. Again there are many way but as to which 1 is the right 1 that is up to the indevidual themselves.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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this is a face book link that pays to click you can join as a free member add they pay every 28days
Monday, October 18, 2010
part 6
And that is why i am led here to ask the question of making money online hell othercan so why cant i that is what i say to myself all the time so really why not i believe i can so it's no problem to me. Mabye i can sell my story to a celebrity or a hollywood director but id be only dreaming there wish it would happen though but as they say mirricals happen. Anyway has anybody got an idea ?
part 5
So as you can see things are bad what a bad run we had been having anyway we got to the funeral it didn't go so well family were fighting and i cracked the shits packed my family back into the car and went home and that was the last that i have seen of the since we now don't get along or even talk for that matter my family and i moved on broken promisses of help from our families and yet again we were landed in a heap the moved had cost us all our money we had every saved it was going to be a house deposit but yea we thought that by being closer that things would be better well wern't we wrong. Not long after my dads funeral my wife ended up in a wheelchair her hips and back started to give way not long after she was in a wheel chair we got a home invasion done on us and we reported it to local authorities but nothing was done then 2mths later i got bashed by a greedy ignorant landloard that couldn't get things his way you see he was 1 of those standover people you know they like to be big and scare ya well i wasn't and that pissed him of really bad so he thought that he would take the law into his own hands and bashed me because i wouldn't let him stand over me. I reported it to police and again it was ignored only because he was wealthy and i mean wealthy and the were dirty coppas to so i didnt have much of a chance. We moved out of that place into another where the landloard was the best ever but at that place because i was taking on the wealthiest man in the area police didn't like that idea so they decided to bash me to then a 2mths later i was bashed again i got my family out of that scumbag town and moved closer to the city. Since being here my wife has found that her back is getting worse and her mobillity is getting worse so alot is left to me to keep the house and get the kids ready in the morning look after and care for my wonderful wife at home so as you can see this is why i am searching for ways, idea to make money online to provide better for my family. that is only a small run down of what we went through if i were to tell all it would sound like a hollywood script but that has been my life and not so good so far.
It was a fight with the state goverment that took 18mths before they did the opperation and yea i did what any loving husband and parent would do and that was to make sure she had it done. I went abit extream but my message got through to the right places and all was done. She is a very healty young girl you wouldnt believe she had heart surgery with the way she is and so full of energy but she has seen and experienced a side of life that many wouldn't.
About a year later we decided to move closer to family they had been keeping in touch with us on a regular basis at that time and wanted to help us out as we had such a bad run so we thought that it would be a good idea for the reasons that our kids can be closer to them and there cousins my father was dying of prostate cancer at that time and we just found out that my wifes health wasnt going to get any better and the docs even thought that it would be a good move for us. So we packed the car got rid of all our possessions that were to big for us to take, packed the wagon and the kids in and of we went. The drive to our destination was 5 days drive and with 2 little kids in the back it don't help much so my wife and i decided to invest into a portable car dvd player and if i may add ITS THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD. what a way to keep em quiet for the length of the drive.When we got to our destination and rented a place 3wks into moving in i got the dredded phone call at 2am in the morning that my dad died so it was funeral time and it was a days drive from where we lived and my wifes physical condition wasnt the best either her back was going and she had very bad pelvis and hip damage from when she was little and it wasnt looked at properly so her bones refused wrong and that is what causes some of her problems of pain today
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About a year later we decided to move closer to family they had been keeping in touch with us on a regular basis at that time and wanted to help us out as we had such a bad run so we thought that it would be a good idea for the reasons that our kids can be closer to them and there cousins my father was dying of prostate cancer at that time and we just found out that my wifes health wasnt going to get any better and the docs even thought that it would be a good move for us. So we packed the car got rid of all our possessions that were to big for us to take, packed the wagon and the kids in and of we went. The drive to our destination was 5 days drive and with 2 little kids in the back it don't help much so my wife and i decided to invest into a portable car dvd player and if i may add ITS THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD. what a way to keep em quiet for the length of the drive.When we got to our destination and rented a place 3wks into moving in i got the dredded phone call at 2am in the morning that my dad died so it was funeral time and it was a days drive from where we lived and my wifes physical condition wasnt the best either her back was going and she had very bad pelvis and hip damage from when she was little and it wasnt looked at properly so her bones refused wrong and that is what causes some of her problems of pain today
Sunday, October 17, 2010
part 3
After our wedding my wife and i had another baby this time a little girl we decided that a move was in order for us as we had no help form our families they had deserted us even through our toughest times so we thought that the northen most part of our country was far enough from them. We began our new lives again fresh this time in thr tropics where the sun always shined was always warn and when the wet season hit it hit hard so did cyclones when it was there season to strike. My wife and i had found out that she had some serious physical health problems and that doctors were having trouble to figure out what was going on. As i slowly wached my wifes helth deplete slowly we again found out that she was pregnant again i felt strange happy but with concern because my wife had a sezerian birth and this was going to be a third so there was health risks on her part involved in the pregenancy. Anyway when the time came she had another little girl but she was born with congenital heart dissease and life for her was up and down her chances at life wasn't the best as all her energy was put towards surviving every day and it was painful to watch her die nearly every day her body just so tired my heart didn't know what to feel.
We consolted doctors, specalists, etc to see what could be done to save our little girls life and boy did we have a fight on our hand the health system was up the shit(excuse the language) and we were fighting our state govermant to do something but instead they wanted to look good to rest of the world. As every day passed we watched our baby get weaker and weaker there were a few times that we thought that we were going to loose her.
We consolted doctors, specalists, etc to see what could be done to save our little girls life and boy did we have a fight on our hand the health system was up the shit(excuse the language) and we were fighting our state govermant to do something but instead they wanted to look good to rest of the world. As every day passed we watched our baby get weaker and weaker there were a few times that we thought that we were going to loose her.
part 2
Now after that ordeal about 3mths into our relationship things were going ok for us at that time we had started a painting and decorating buisness and we also found out that we were going to have a baby things couldn't get any better we had gotten over our little bad run and i thought that we were in the clear then the bad things started to happen people started taking there time in paying for the work that i done and it started to send me broke then more bad news our baby wasnt in the best shape and my wife was having trouble with her pregenancy. She was rushed to hospital and then i got the dreaded phone call from a doctor i had to choose which life should be spared or saved more to the point. My responce was both of course but my wife most of all. I had a heart attack as i was on the phone and i was only 29yrs old at that time. When i got to the hospital i was relieved there was my wife resting after a life or death opperation. Then the doctor walked in the room and asked if he could have a quiet word with me. My heart started to begin to race he explained that our son didn't have much of a chance to live as he was born with a condition called cmv don't ask me how to spell it but i know that it is as common as the flu but can be very deadly. My son died 56hrs later in my wifes arms after he was born there wasnt much that could be done.
after that we went down a bad part nothing destructive just the loss and griving of our son we burried him on 11/09/01. We lost our buisness because client were always giving us the run around and we had our bills still to pay and it just broke us. then my wife enden up on a pension and i became here carer her physical condition worsen and that was the end of our little buisness. We got married just a couple of months later we had a small wedding at our home simple nice and quiet what little of family and close personal friends. and we also found out the my wife was pregnant again and it was going to be a mirrical baby
after that we went down a bad part nothing destructive just the loss and griving of our son we burried him on 11/09/01. We lost our buisness because client were always giving us the run around and we had our bills still to pay and it just broke us. then my wife enden up on a pension and i became here carer her physical condition worsen and that was the end of our little buisness. We got married just a couple of months later we had a small wedding at our home simple nice and quiet what little of family and close personal friends. and we also found out the my wife was pregnant again and it was going to be a mirrical baby
the lead up
Let me tell you a bit about me first before we start getting into the idea of online income. For starters im a simple person easy going generally take things in my strides but for too long i have faced situations that is only seen in a movie but it has been my life so far and that is why im here trying to make an income online. lets start by saying that i have seen things, experienced and gone through than the average person we all have stories to tell but this is mine so you are going to have to bare with me as i am only able to post this in segmants but i am happy to answer any questions along the way.
Again back to my story. When i met my dear lovley wife she got chicken pox and it hit her hard we had only just met when this happened and her family left her there with no support. I stayed by her side and helped her back to good health she had nearly died in my arms but thankfully it never happened she is with me today. At that point i knew that this was the lady that i was going to spend the rest of my life with and grow old together it felt right and my heart knew it
Again back to my story. When i met my dear lovley wife she got chicken pox and it hit her hard we had only just met when this happened and her family left her there with no support. I stayed by her side and helped her back to good health she had nearly died in my arms but thankfully it never happened she is with me today. At that point i knew that this was the lady that i was going to spend the rest of my life with and grow old together it felt right and my heart knew it
Saturday, October 16, 2010
here are a few of my little money makers online i know that they are not much but they do pay my first would be cbtopsites. next would be face book im new to this and still trying to work it out but join its free you go tofacebookmembers. with that link you send music vids n share to get paid. next would be cashgopher this is only a new 1 but its fun and run in the back of your computer. mylot is the group that does cashgopher. another 1 is cash4offers. these are the only few that i have learned so far but still have heaps to learn if you dont know them give it a click and check it out there free to join. if you know any better please let me know so that i can journey on my way to success
a diary of ways of earning an income online
i have only posted 1 so far and this is only the beginning but also a learning cerve. i have been going down this road for a while now not getting far but at least somewhere i have come across many scam on way of making an income online but also very fortunate not to have been bitten by then too. Many people are and it is an unfortunate situation but 1 that should be learned from and not taken for granted. i myself felt like an idiot or moron as you mite put it when i had been into beliving that something was to good to be true but its a lesson learned i say and 1 not to forget. but there is 1 out there that are good and honest its just you either gota pay to join or they just hard to find. but anyway this is day 1 for me
as i am new to this so i am hoping that i am able to get the advice on making money online. A little bout me and as to why im doing this. first im a young family man that cares for my sick family i am unable to work out side the home as i care for my wife n child who mean the world to me. so thats why i ask the big question so that i am able to provide better for my family and be able to sustain living like other. all answers would be greatly thankful and hopefully a few friends along the way
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