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Thursday, June 30, 2011

brand new method guaranteed to generate cash *FAST*

Here's something that you'll probably NEVER forget.... (click below)

It's pissing off almost EVERY "wealth guru" on the planet and
today, I mean this more than ever.

... an ASTONISHING system that's guaranteed to generate FAST cash
for anyone who uses it. This is based on a brand NEW technology
which leverages "free traffic" on the internet with billions of hits.

The CRAZY part that's shocking...

You don't really need to do anything - after setting it up and just
pressing a few "submit" buttons! There's no hard learning or
trial-and-error or complex guide to follow. Yes, it's that ERROR-PROOF
and there's virtually ZERO chance for you to lose money.

As you may know, I've tried out many wealth "systems" back in my

This includes even the private mastermind clubs with top well-known
"wealth" gurus.

Guess what?

NONE of them worked despite their good intentions. Arrgh - it was
embarrassing for me.

Sorry to be blunt today but most of them SUCKED at teaching what they
knew (and the methods were prone to serious error for any follower).

My rule now... only do it if it's PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Something that WORKS no matter if you're in debt, computer
illiterate, simply can't get motivated, or feel down due to a

This will be worth every moment to see ... especially you see
yourself duplicating an automated CASH COW without fail:

(read their raw testimonials inside)

Here's what I found remarkable about this ..... he literally says that
EVEN if you ONLY get 25% of the results that the other users are getting,
your change of financial life will be STAGGERING.

Set it and FORGET it. True Error-proof Automated Wealth.

He says it's better that you get inside, activate the process,
and then just set and FORGET IT. Let the thing make money for you -
easy and FAST.

This is the way life was meant to be ... don't EVER work for money -
instead, let money work FOR YOU. That's how I define true retirement
... and it's a beautiful thing.

I dare you to check out if that is true with his system ... (let's
just say, you won't be disappointed)

Oh, I have a personal analogy to share.... because I'd even get one
of these systems for a loved one.

Whenever I give people gifts now ... I always try to give them something
that will make them GROW rather than something that just pleases them.

Think about it... a shiny new toy OR a priceless system that can
grow their wealth easily, if not at a geometric rate. They can then
use this wealth to buy MANY shiny toys (cars, boats, homes, whatever!)

What makes more sense... seriously what will benefit them in the

Do the same for yourself and yours.

Thanks for reading now don't be shy go get it


P.S. I urge you to immediately use this system that's
still only discovered by a lucky few:

Their "Idiot-proof" system alone make it so that no man or woman is
left behind ... where generating up to $35,867 in your FIRST 14 days
is not uncommon at all.

I know you will be delighted. I'd really hate for you to miss this
since only so many licenses can use this system by tonight.

Friday, June 17, 2011

it isn’t just gas that’s expensive...

Unless you’ve been on the moon for a few years, you know how much
gasoline costs. The silly price stares you in the face every time
you fill up your car.

What’s really insane, though, is that gas is like the first domino
in a cost cascade that’s crushing a lot of people.

That’s why I was excited to find Run Your Home For Free, and why I
strongly recommend that you take a look at it:


But let me tell you how this cost cascade works. It’ll make you
mad, but it’s time you knew the full story so you can do something
about it. Fortunately, it’s easy to understand.

Start with gasoline. Where’s it come from? That’s right, crude oil.
 Crude oil comes out of the ground. It’s a fossil fuel, and there’s
a very limited supply of it. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

And what happens when the supply of something is low, but everybody
wants it?  Yep, the price skyrockets. Think about tickets to a
sold-out sporting event. You’ll pay an insane price for those.

Well, oil is the same way, but oil acts like a race car heading a
line of race pulls along the other ones behind it as they
“draft” in its wake.

That’s what oil does to things like natural gas and coal.

It’s a little known fact that most of the electricity in the world,
especially in the U.S., comes from coal.

Power companies run coal-fired power plants to drive their
electricity-generating turbines. When coal gets more expensive,
your home electricity costs go up. And goal definitely gets more
expensive when oil gets more expensive.

See how it works? In a way, OPEC is responsible for your home
electric bill!

It’s a shame that we’re at the mercy of oil costs, but we
definitely are...until now.

I mentioned Run Your Home For Free before. This simple guide shows
you a way that you won’t even have to care what oil or coal costs

Even better, you’ll stop USING those things indirectly to power
your house, and that’ll do the environment some serious good.

Here’s what I mean...

* The guide shows you how to harness wind and sunlight to generate
power for your house. That’s not a joke. You really can do this on
your own.

* You’ll learn how to do it for $200 or less, even if you’re not
some kind of super engineering geek. Regular people are doing this
all over the place, even if they’re not particularly “handy”.

* You’ll see how to do it step by step, FAST, so you can be
slashing your home energy costs by 80% or more within a month.

* You can even make a PROFIT from the energy company when
you...well, I don’t want to spill all the beans yet.

Check out Run Your Home For Free yourself, and laugh as energy
prices go through the roof:


Think about what this means...

You can do your part to save our planet, and actually MAKE money
while you’re doing it!

That’s what I call a good deal. And speaking of good deals, imagine
saving 80-100% of your entire monthly home energy bill, starting
next month (I’ll let you do the math).

What else could you be doing with that money?

That’s why I’m recommending this--because it’s going to help people
change their lives and save the planet. What could be better?

Stop having your throat stepped on by oil and start running your
house on clean, renewable, FREE energy.

Here’s to slashing your home energy costs,

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ambush Google or get Ambushed

It's not enough to use Google anymore. You have to control it, make the Google guys do your bidding.

That means you have to know how to get your PPC ads in the right spots, grab the high-converting clicks and invade markets like a juggernaut. Can you?

I don't know if you can on your own, but with Affiliate Launcher you most certainly can be the 800 pound gorilla in days, maybe a few weeks at the outside.

The whole story's right here, including the incredible saga of how Andrew and Steven came up with Ambush in the first place:

I've told you about Affiliate Launcher before, but it's busting ClickBank wide open now. The hordes are pouring in, and the price will be going up soon, as promised. It's now or never.

So I want you get one number in your head. No, it's not some income figure, although the results they show on that page are insane. Instead, it's a work figure...


That's a long time. It's also the typical length of time it takes people to create PPC campaigns as complete, as optimized and as profitable as what Andrew and Steven's software can pump out in literally minutes.

Imagine slaving away for 10 full-time weeks to get the job done.

Most people never do that. They dive in with enthusiasm, but after a couple weeks they take one of two paths.

Some just drop it. It's a TON of work, and it's easy to get frustrated and bag the whole thing.

Most people, though, fire up the campaign while it's still held together with loose screws and duct tape. Then they hope for the best.

The result? Almost always extreme disappointment, high cost and broken dreams. Then they quit in frustration just like the early quitters, but these folks are a lot poorer.

It's a shame, really, because lots of these people quit right before they start seeing some decent results.

That's why Affiliate Launcher is quite possibly the "killer app" for PPC. It takes all of the frustration away, and cuts the time required to the bone.

Fist, the software digs into the hottest niches on the planet by looking at what's actually selling like crazy. That research along could take you weeks.

Then the software spies on the competition in that niche and (I swear this is perfectly legit) figures out which keywords you can hit like a ton of bricks and beat all comers. Seems like cheating, but it's really just being smart. And the software does it automatically.

Then this almost magic tool virtually locks in your profits by finding the ads in your niche that are ALREADY profitable so you can copy them.

That's the key...finding what's already making money and doing the same thing. Why waste time figuring out what works when your competition will tell you without even knowing they're doing it?

And finally, Affiliate Launcher will translate all of that work into a separate, beautiful, high converting landing page for each keyword. Have 250 of them? No sweat. You'll get 250 pages at the press of a button. Have 5,000? Just as easy.

Imagine spending a few minutes with Affiliate Launcher and raking in over $20,000 in 24 hours. There's no guarantee you'll do that every time, but since it takes nearly no time at all to get up and running in a niche, you can try a few before you strike gold. It's painless!

Can you see the possibilities? I know you can, and it's why people were chomping at the bit to get their hands on this.

Don't wait, though. The introductory price IS going up soon, if they even keep the doors open at all.

Why keep sweating for your profits when they can be as close to push-button easy as you'll ever get?

Here's to Ambushing Google,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

have you seen the END of the internet?

G-day all and hope that all is well every where this is just a short post nothing here to buy or to sell you but i thought that you would like to have a look and leave a comment on what your thoughts are on it i found it to be very surprising and funny i hope that you do aswell.
Here is the link for all to check it out